Boondocks Irish Wolfhounds - AKC Reg.
The Irish Wolfhound
Links & Recommended Books
Litter Plans
Puppy Questionnaire
General Information
GCH RBIS BISOH RBISOH Boondocks Atlas Shrugged
Northstar Irish Wolfhound Club Specialties
Boondocks To Kill A Mockingbird
The Hounds
Rocky Mountain IW Specialty
2017 National Specialty
Northstar Irish Wolfhound 2017 Specialty
Irish Wolfhound Club of America and the American Kennel Club
Health Test Information
Boondocks Integrity Blog
Boondocks Integrity Blog
Integrity Blog
CH BIS RBIS MBISOH Boondocks Mountain Ash
May 2017
Geneva, New York.
Boondocks To Kill A Mockingbird (Scout)
1st Place 12-18 month Bitch
Boondocks Atlas Shrugged (Shrug)
1st Place 15-18 Month Dog Sweepstakes
GCH Brimstone Thriller At Nightwing
Best of Breed Award of Merit
Candid Ring Photos
Scout on the move. This was a very nice large class with an entry of 27 and 22 actually competing. To receive a first place was wonderful.
GCH Brimstone Thriller At Nightwing - Award of Merit